TOPCAT release

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Fri Jun 5 17:11:25 CEST 2020

Dear all,

even in these strange times, TOPCAT releases go on:

   TOPCAT v4.7-1
   STILTS v3.2-1
   STIL   v3.4-1

Some of the highlights of this release:

   - The (Astropy-friendly) ECSV and (R-friendly) Feather file formats
     are now supported for table I/O.

   - Performance is considerably improved for sky crossmatching
     (typically a factor of 2, though it depends a lot on the details).
     This is largely a result of adopting the excellent cds-healpix-java
     library written by Francois-Xavier Pineau at CDS for HEALPix

   - Area data, i.e. shapes and positions, can now be plotted,
     as specified by STC-S (e.g. from ObsCore/EPN-TAP s_region columns),
     polygon/cone coordinate arrays, or ASCII MOC specifications.

   - The Time Plot window is now available from the main toolbar.
     This window has been present (in the Graphics menu) for some time,
     but recent usability improvements make it ready for production
     use now.

Plus plenty of other stuff, as detailed in the change logs on the
web pages.

Downloads etc in the usual places:

Best wishes to all,


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-9288776

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