Request for VOTable code review

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at
Wed Dec 18 17:08:50 CET 2019

Dear VOTable implementers and experts,

I've created a pull request on the Astropy VOTable reader/writer to correct a problem that has existed since Python 3 which, for FIELDs of datatype="char", stored values in the astropy Table as type bytes instead of str (e.g., b'myvalue' instead of 'myvalue').

Astropy and I would greatly appreciate if someone could have a look at this code, and enter a review here:

If Python is not your thing, thoughts on just the strategy behind the PR are also welcome (see this comment: ).

This PR raised for me a few issues in the VOTable spec regarding Unicode characters such as:
- Lack of direction on encoding
- Inconsistency on sizing between TABLEDATA and BINARY serializations

I will soon add that and other known issues to our new github repo for the VOTable spec, where they can be discussed further. 

Thanks for any help on this PR!


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