RFC process question

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at stsci.edu
Tue Apr 16 18:20:39 CEST 2019

Hi TCG and Apps,

The Applications working group has 2 documents in Working Draft status, MOC 1.1 and VOTable 1.4.

Discussion has settled on both documents, so there is a desire to move to RFC.  However, I want to make sure I understand the implementation requirements.

I had been thinking that implementations could happen during the RFC period, so I hadn’t been pushing them during our working draft discussions.  But in reading the process documentation more carefully, it seems that 2 reference implementations and provision of validation tools should be present prior to the RFC period.  

That requirement makes sense to me, since the commenters should have access to the implementations to inform their comments.  So all that setup leads to this question:

Is it OK to create the RFC page as a place to document implementations and gather comments prior to the official RFC period (and its 6 week countdown)?  That seems OK to me, but it could lead to a confusing document status.  Any suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated.


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