TOPCAT minor release

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Fri May 18 17:34:21 CEST 2018

Hi topcat users,

this is to announce a minor release of TOPCAT:

   TOPCAT v4.6-1
   STILTS v3.1-4
   STIL   v3.3-1

it fixes a few bugs (the nastiest of which could cause all plotting
to fail on OSX with java 10, at least sometimes) and adds some more
features to the Activation Action framework introduced in the last
release (v4.6).  This was mainly items I had intended to include in
that release but didn't make it in before Gaia DR2:

   - activation state now persisted when you Save Session
   - new Download URL action
   - new Plot Table action
   - capability to execute actions on a sequence of rows 

If you are using the new activation actions, or if you are
experiencing problems with the current release, you are advised
to upgrade.

Downloads and full change logs at the usual place

Any problems or queries, as usual please let me know.


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-9288776

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