VOTable errata status

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at stsci.edu
Thu Jun 28 17:54:23 CEST 2018


Thanks for responding about this.  That all sounds good.  So let’s do this:

  1.  Mark:  Make the edits on volute to your satisfaction (thank you!), including a comment about the change, then notify the Apps list when it’s ready.
  2.  Tom D:  Barring objections from the WG, I’ll request that http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/VOTable-1.3.xsd be updated.
  3.  Tom D:  I’ll look to see if Astropy’s parser should be updated.  (It also should be updated for errata 1, so I’ll do that too.)


From: Mark Taylor <m.b.taylor at bristol.ac.uk>
Date: Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 11:17 AM
To: Tom Donaldson <tdonaldson at stsci.edu>
Cc: "Tom McGlynn (NASA/GSFC Code 660.1)" <tom.mcglynn at nasa.gov>, "tcg at ivoa.net" <tcg at ivoa.net>, Applications WG <apps at ivoa.net>
Subject: Re: VOTable errata status


regarding VOTable-1_3-Err-2 (Tom McGlynn's F0 fix):

Once there is an official updated XSD, I will incorporate it
into the votlint VOTable validator within STILTS.
I have informally tested that making the change listed in the
Erratum works as expected, i.e. votlint goes from reporting
a schema validation error for precision="F0" to not reporting
that error.

I think the only decision to be made about editing the XSD text
is whether to stick to the single-character change described in
the Erratum, or whether also to add a comment somewhere noting
that the change has been made.  Given that there are already some
history comments in the preamble, probably the latter makes sense.
I can make the XSD edit in volute if nobody else wants to do it,
but if the resource at http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/VOTable-1.3.xsd
is to be changed (is that the process here?), probably the Apps
Chair/Vice-Chair ought to make that request to ivoadoc.

I have made one correction to the VOTable-1_3-Err-2 wiki page:
I've changed "Erratum 1" to "Erratum 2" in the title text.


On Wed, 27 Jun 2018, Tom Donaldson wrote:

Hi Tom,
Good question.  I don’t know of a documented process, so I’ll propose an answer here, and anyone who wants to correct me or suggest changes.
These steps could be done by anyone who volunteers.  I can do it fairly soon if no one else steps up.
   1.  Make the change on volute first (http://volute.g-vo.org/svn/trunk/projects/votable/VOTable.xsd )  That way some tests can be run easily, and that working copy stays current.
      *   I think it would be a good idea to have separate directories there for different VOTable versions.  That could make it less confusing if, for example, we work on 1.4 for a while and have another errata at the same time.
   1.  Run some tests.
      *   Yes, we should have a test suite set up for this.  Maybe some already exist, say in a service validator or with Topcat/Stilts, etc.?
   1.  Ask the document coordinator to put the new version in place on ivoa.net.
From: "Tom McGlynn (NASA/GSFC Code 660.1)" <tom.mcglynn at nasa.gov<mailto:tom.mcglynn at nasa.gov>>
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 2:44 PM
To: Tom Donaldson <tdonaldson at stsci.edu<mailto:tdonaldson at stsci.edu>>, "tcg at ivoa.net<mailto:tcg at ivoa.net>" <tcg at ivoa.net<mailto:tcg at ivoa.net>>
Subject: Re: VOTable errata status
With regard to erratum 2, whom should we contact to update the VOTable 1.3 schema on the IVOA web site?
Or has someone already taken care of this?
     Tom McG.
Tom Donaldson wrote:
Hello TCG,
VOTable 1.3 has one remaining proposed erratum:
VOTable-1.3-Erratum-3 <http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOTable-1_3-Err-3>: Clarification
on arraysize="1"
Consensus seems to have been reached after some early discussion on the apps list then some
clarifications to the text at the Victoria Interop.  Now the content is frozen for approval either
at the upcoming TCG telecon, or shortly thereafter via e-mail.  Please use this opportunity to
raise any last minute objections.
Also, I’ve updated the VOTable 1.3 errata page
(http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOTable-1_3-Errata ) to indicate the adoption in
Victoria of erratum 2:
VOTable-1.3-Erratum-2 <http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOTable-1_3-Err-2>: Permitting F0
in precision attribute in FIELDs

Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at bris.ac.uk<mailto:m.b.taylor at bris.ac.uk> +44-117-9288776  http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/
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