TOPCAT release

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Fri Sep 29 18:25:56 CEST 2017

Dear topcat-users,

This is to announce a new release of TOPCAT and friends:

   TOPCAT v4.5
   STILTS v3.1-1
   STIL   v3.2-1

Some of the main new features are:

   - TOPCAT plot windows now have a "STILTS" control in the stack;
     this lets you see the STILTS command that can generate the
     same plot you're looking at from the command line.
     May be useful if you want to script plots but were always
     too scared of the (admittedly somewhat scary) STILTS syntax.

   - When you use TOPCAT's Session Save option, columns and Row Subsets
     that have been defined using algebraic expressions are now
     saved by expression rather than by value, so you can see and
     edit the expressions on reload.

There is a large number of other improvements, including a crop
of new visualisation options, and you can can now write/read FITS
files with more than 999 columns (using a non-standard convention,
so not exchangeable with other software).

You can find a detailed list of all the changes, along with downloads,
full documentation etc in the usual places:

Bug reports, questions, comments welcome as ever to the
topcat-user at list or to me.
Thanks for your continued interest,


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-9288776

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