Native support for MOC operations in the Java HEALPix package

François-Xavier Pineau francois-xavier.pineau at
Mon Oct 20 16:30:03 CEST 2014

Hi Martin,
Thank you for the explanations and the useful reference.
I will contact you in private for some additional technical questions.


Le 20/10/2014 14:59, Martin Reinecke a écrit :
> Hi François-Xavier!
>> Very nice result :)
>> If I am correct the NESTED ordering uses a Z-order (or Morton) curve (which rely
>> on bit interleaving).
> Correct.
>> It explains why computing a HEALPix index is very fast and does not depends on
>> the NORDER.
> Well - to a certain extent it does depend on the order.
> It is true that a few modern CPUs could do the bit interleaving with a
> single assembler operation, but the current approach is to use look-up
> tables, which deal with 8 orders in one go. So there is still a loop,
> but it has maxorder/8 iterations only.
>> Do you have the same kind of algorithm for the Peano-Hilbert?
> No. The look-up tables would be too large in that case.
>> If yes, would you provide a pointer on it?
>> The only ones I am aware of use recursion or a 'for' loop from 0 to NORDER...
> I'm using these as well, but with some optimizations the conversions
> don't take too long.
>> If not, what about performances when computing 100_000_000 Peano-Hilbert HEALPix
>> indexes?
> On a single core of an Intel Core i3 2120 (several years old by now) I
> get around 30 million conversions per second between NEST and Peano
> indices for a maximum order of 13, and around 20 million per second for
> a maximum order of 29 (measured with the C++ library, I don't have
> measurements for Java yet). This is comparable to the cost of an
> ang2pix() and probably not a limiting factor in most circumstances.
> In the case of MOCs this cost is mostly irrelevant, since it's only
> incurred when the MOC is first created from data. All set operations on
> MOCs don't need any conversions.
>> If performances using Morton and Peano are similar it is (in addition to MOCs)
>> interesting to index data (in databases, ...)
> Performance is not dramatically lower, at least.
>> since Peano has "better locality-preserving behaviour" than Morton (quoting
>> Wikipedia but I heard/read this elsewhere),
> A quantitative paper on this is for example "Analysis of the clustering
> properties of the Hilbert space-filling curve" by Moon et al.
> Unfortunately I don't have the link at hand.
>> so needs less disk access, ...
>> Even if it will not become a standard, I think it is worth having it in the Java
>> HEALPix libraries :)
> If you want to have a look at the current implementation, I have
> appended it below; it needs to be pasted somewhere into the HealpixUtils
> class and is surprisingly small :)
> Cheers,
>    Martin
>    static private long nest_peano_helper (long pix, int order, int dir)
>      {
>      final byte peano_subpix[][][] =
>        { { {0,1,3,2}, {3,0,2,1}, {2,3,1,0}, {1,2,0,3},
>            {0,3,1,2}, {1,0,2,3}, {2,1,3,0}, {3,2,0,1} },
>          { {0,1,3,2}, {1,3,2,0}, {3,2,0,1}, {2,0,1,3},
>            {0,2,3,1}, {1,0,2,3}, {3,1,0,2}, {2,3,1,0} } };
>      final byte peano_subpath[][][] =
>        { { {4,0,6,0}, {7,5,1,1}, {2,4,2,6}, {3,3,7,5},
>            {0,2,4,4}, {5,1,5,3}, {6,6,0,2}, {1,7,3,7} },
>          { {4,0,0,6}, {5,1,1,7}, {6,2,2,4}, {7,3,3,5},
>            {0,4,4,2}, {1,5,5,3}, {2,6,6,0}, {3,7,7,1} } };
>      final byte peano_face2path[][] =
>        { { 2,5,2,5,3,6,3,6,2,3,2,3 }, { 2,6,2,3,3,5,2,6,2,3,3,5 } };
>      final byte peano_face2face[][] =
>        { { 0,5,6,11,10,1,4,7,2,3,8,9 }, { 0,5,8,9,6,1,2,7,10,11,4,3 } };
>      int face = (int)(pix>>>(2*order));
>      long result = 0L;
>      byte path = peano_face2path[dir][face];
>      for (int shift=2*order-2; shift>=0; shift-=2)
>        {
>        byte spix = (byte)((pix>>shift) & 0x3);
>        result <<= 2;
>        result |= peano_subpix[dir][path][spix];
>        path=peano_subpath[dir][path][spix];
>        }
>      return result + (((long)peano_face2face[dir][face])<<(2*order));
>      }
>    static public long nest2peano(long pix, int order)
>      { return nest_peano_helper(pix,order,0); }
>    static public long peano2nest(long pix, int order)
>      { return nest_peano_helper(pix,order,1); }

François-Xavier Pineau 	Université de Strasbourg 
<> 	CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
francois-xavier.pineau at 
<mailto:francois-xavier.pineau at> 	11, rue de l'Université
Phone +33 (0)3 68 85 24 14 	F - 67000 Strasbourg <>

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