Stat-Lite 1.0 Beta - Android application Release

Santosh Jagade santoshj at
Wed Oct 1 17:12:00 CEST 2014

Hi all,

We are happy to announce the release of Stat-Lite v1.0 Beta - an android application.

The Stat-Lite is published as a downloadable *.apk file which can be installed on any Android device.
This android application provides an interactive and easy introduction to the concepts of Descriptive Statistics and Curve Plotting. It includes basic features such as loading VOTable & ASCII format data set and performing some basic statistical analysis such as correlation tests, summary statistics etc. Some of the novel features of this application include graphs with multi-touch gesture support using which the user can pan and zoom to study specific areas, the ability to study effect of outliers on regression fits by adding them using a simple touch interface etc. The interface & content has been designed for high-school & under graduate students. The prime motivation of this development was to make useful educational software available on low-cost Aakash (Sky) Android tablets which are being made available to students in India.

It uses 'Apache Commons Math' library for statistical calculations and a third party charting API called 'AChartEngine' for rendering graphs.

The release *.zip file (including the *.apk file) is available for download at:

Features of the Stat-Lite application include:

    - Load data tables from memory.
    - Compute and plot mean and median values of one or more samples.
    - Generate frequency tables and bar charts for samples.
    - Estimate relationship between two samples using covariance and correlation.
    - Fit a straight line between two samples.
    - Curve plotting for a wide category of functions including trigonometric, logarithmic, hyperbolic, and conic sections
    - Capability to plot user-defined functions including combinations of functions using arithmetic operators

Complete change log is available at:

Please send your suggestions and comments at voindia at

VO-India Team

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