HST press release images in Aladin

Pierre Fernique fernique at simbad3.u-strasbg.fr
Tue Feb 10 01:37:19 PST 2009

Dear Apps members,

We are pleased to announce that we added the SIAP HST press release
image server in Aladin (http://hubblesite.org/sia/hst_pr_sia.html
presented at the last AAS meeting). This server should be very valuable 
for outreach Aladin usage. For testing it, download the Aladin beta 
release, use -outreach command line parameter, or access it directly in 
the menu : "File -> load astronomical images -> Others -> HST press 
release images").

Aladin is using the AVM tags since there are provided in the image (a 
very few of them). Otherwise, it is using the astrometrical calibration 
provided in the SIA fields.

We really thanks the HST team for this developement.

Pierre Fernique for the Aladin team

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