Presentations at Baltimore IVOA Meeting.

Carlos Rodrigo Blanco crb at
Thu Sep 25 03:05:16 PDT 2008


We, at the Spanish VO, would like to introduce you to VOSA 
(VO Sed Analyzer), a web application developed using VO 
resources to fit observational data with theoretical models 
and, so, infer physical properties for the observed objects.
We actually intend to give a short presentation at Baltimore 
about it.

In summary, it resolves objects using the VO, retrieves photometry from VO 
catalogues, allows the user to upload his/her own photometry too, uses 
theoretical stellar models from the VO to fit the observed data and find values 
for the effective temperature, gravity and metallicity, and then uses 
theoretical isochrones and evolutionary tracks from VO servers to estimate 
values for the mass and age of the objects.

The application is available at:

and a paper by Bayo et al, presenting it and using it for the C69 cluster is 
already accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

If you find it interesting, we invite you to try it and, 
please, send us any comment about it.

Carlos Rodrigo

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