SAMP 1.3 preparation

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Mon Jul 11 08:13:26 PDT 2011

Hi SAMPers,

as promised, I'm going through the current SAMP 1.3 WD in accordance
with the decisions made at Naples in May to prepare a version suitable
for promotion through the standards process.

The main difference since the last Recommendation (1.2) is the addition 
of the Web Profile.  The current WD (1.3-20110512) contains a somewhat
detailed but inconclusive discussion of security issues relating to this;
the decision at Naples was to cut this down so that the SAMP standard 
itself contains some discussion of Web Profile security but does not at 
this stage mandate what steps must be taken to address it, at least in 
areas where the best approach is not currently clear.
The details of how security is (or is not) enforced will be left to 
implementations, with the possibility that there may be an IVOA Note 
on best practice at some point following implementation experiences.
If anybody disagrees with this summary of where we agreed to go, please 
shout now.

There are one or two other smaller issues that I'm coming across in
the course of the edit; where appropriate I will discuss these in
separate messages on this list.  You can also follow any updates as
usual in the volute repository


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-928-8776

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