Citing SAMP in thesis [Was: REC]

Juan de Dios Santander Vela jdsant at
Wed Apr 22 09:44:00 PDT 2009

El 22/04/2009, a las 18:07, Mark Taylor escribió:

> SAMP has now been formally endorsed by the Exec and published as
> an IVOA Recommendation.  This makes it a fully approved IVOA standard;
> see

Well, thanks, Mark, Thomas, Michael, Alasdair, Luigi, John, and Doug!

One thing, as I am using SAMP for my Ph.D. thesis, I plan on citing it  
in this way:

M. B. Taylor, T. Boch, M. Fitzpatrick, A. Allan, L. Paioro, J. Taylor,  
and D. Tody, “Simple Application Messaging Protocol,” IVOA  
Recommendation 1.11, International Virtual Observatory Alliance, April  

Is that OK?

And by the way, did I dream it, or someone (de Young, Hanisch?) said  
during last InterOp in Baltimore that an agreement had been reached  
with the ADS in order to consider Working Draft as low-impact peer- 
reviewed publications, and Recommendations as high-impact peer- 
reviewed publications? This should become one hell of a really  
strongly cited publication...

Juan de Dios Santander Vela
Diplomado en CC. Físicas, Ingeniero en Electrónica
Doctorando en Tecnologías Multimedia
Becario Predoctoral del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

Charles Babbage: En dos ocasiones, miembros del Parlamento me han  
preguntado: "Perdón, Sr. Babbage,  si se introducen en la máquina  
cifras erróneas, ¿puede uno obtener la respuesta correcta?" No acabo  
de entender qué clase de confusión en las ideas podría provocar tal  

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