Hub stopping

Alasdair Allan aa at
Mon May 12 06:03:11 PDT 2008

Mark Taylor wrote:
> Alasdair Allan wrote:
>> ...wouldn't it make sense to have a hub.event.* set of messages
> I almost completely agree with this, for the reasons that you cover -
> hub.event.stopping (and possibly other hub.event.*) messages should
> exist separate from app.event.* ones.


> The only thing I disagree with is:
>> have a hub.event.* set of messages that all (callable) clients  
>> were required to be able interpret rather than having each client  
>> call getHubId() and then
> there is no *requirement* for callable clients to interpret such an  
> MType - they can ignore it (at their peril) if they want.

Ouch. Okay, that is fair enough on consideration, especially if we  
introduce a hub.event.* set of messages...


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