Fwd: ISSUE: Naming of error object encoding

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at bristol.ac.uk
Fri May 2 03:15:36 PDT 2008

On Thu, 1 May 2008, Mike Fitzpatrick wrote:

>> I'm not necessarily against supplying a status in message responses;
>> a "status" (or "error.status" or "samp.error.status" or whatever)
>> key could be added to those suggested above and could take values
>> such as "error", "warning" and others from a well-known vocabulary
>> which we supply, possibly allowing users to extend it for their own
>> purposes.
>    The problem here is that we're then defining a separate vocabulary for a
> Response
> than we are for Message MTypes.

to me, that doesn't sound like a problem, because they are doing 
different jobs.  I would say that separate namespaces for separate 
purposes is good design.

> I'm already worried that we're confusing
> things
> to have a 'samp.hub.method' in the XML-RPC profile, a 'samp.secret' in the
> lockfile
> metadata, a 'file.load' as a MType and now a 'status.warning' in a Response
> status
> keyword.  The 'word.word' syntax is too overloaded with meaning.
> ...
>> as I said above, by all means propose some key for a non-free-form,
>> parsable value, and values it can take, to go along with the others proposed
>> for the error response map.
>    As i say above, any such key would be a separate vocabulary and further
> overload
> the 'word.word' syntax we use for MTypes, metadata namespaces, method names,
> .....

Yes it would.  As long as the document clearly describes where each
separate vocabulary is to be used, I don't see any disadvantage in
having as many separate vocabularies as we need.  Indeed I think it's
much better than using the same vocabulary for several semantically
distinct purposes.  I don't have a computer science reference for that,
but it seems to me like an obvious principle of good design.  Do we
actually disagree about this?

Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at bris.ac.uk +44-117-928-8776 http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/

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