chmod 600 equivalent for MS Windows

Bruno Rino brino at
Mon Jul 14 08:21:42 PDT 2008

on a windows command prompt,

attrib -R filename

does the trick


On 14/07/2008 17:18, Mark Taylor wrote:
> If there's anyone out there who knows about Microsoft Windows,
> (I'm hoping Luigi might, since he was able to answer about %USERPROFILE%)
> I'm writing Java code which should ensure that the .samp lockfile
> cannot be read by anyone other than the owner of that file.
> Although there is a method
> in Java which can do the trick, it is only available from Java 1.6,
> and I'd like to provide a fallback for earlier JVMs.
> On Un*x I can call out to the OS and invoke a command like:
>    Runtime.exec( new String[] { "chmod", "600", filename } );
> Does anybody know if this is possible for some/any/all versions of
> MS Windows, and if so, how I should phrase the command?
> thanks
> Mark

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