ISSUE: Naming of error object encoding

Mike Fitzpatrick fitz at
Wed Apr 30 11:15:39 PDT 2008

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 5:57 AM, Thomas Boch <boch at>

> In section 3.8, the error object is currently made up of a map with the
> following keys : errortxt, usertxt, debugtxt and code.
> The naming of those keys could be improved by prefixing them with
> "error." or even with "samp.error."

I believe in an earlier draft it was explicitly stated that a message
Response was
not itself a Message (something I argued against).  The latest draft however
is a
little ambiguous on the matter, saying only that a  Response should be a
(which may be empty of sending back only an OK, but should contain those
if an error).
     I would take things a step further and suggest that the error map that
is returned
BE a Message map containing a status Mtype (e.g. status.error) and where the
errortxt is a required param and the rest are optional.  In this case, a
request could reply by setting only the 'success' argument and still have an
map, but we could have a richer set of error returns that perhaps aren't all
For example, a status.warning Mtype might still reply as a success but pass
a warning message, or a status.invalidParam could signal a specific
and universally understood error condition.

    My main objections to this simple set of keys are that 1) we allow only
type of response, and 2) the 'errortxt' is allowed to be free-form (okay if
all you want
to do it pop up a dialog,  not okay  if an  app needs to parse the message
for information).

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