TODO: Draft document to-do list

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Wed Apr 30 03:39:34 PDT 2008

This is a list of things which the authors know require more work in
the draft SAMP document.  By all means supply suggestions for impovements
in these areas, but it's not necessary to post a comment to the effect
"but the ... section is incomplete" - we know.

   1. MType vocabulary.  Several aspects of section 5 need more work:
        - formatting
        - more detailed description of existing messages
        - consideration of what messages are required
             (especially hub housekeeping ones)
        - decision on which MTypes should be described in this document,
             and where other ones should be recorded

   2. Terminology.  The exact meaning and use of terms like Notify,
         Request, Call, Send etc are still under debate, both in the
         text of the document and the API method names.

   3. SAMP/PLASTIC comparison. The Appendices contain the beginnings of
         discussion of changes and interoperability between SAMP and PLASTIC.
         These need completing.
         in Appendices

   4. Examples.  Some further examples of use of the API and of actual
         message serializations would probably be a good idea.

   5. Proofreading, tidying up etc.  Since the document is still in a state
        of active editing there are probably plenty of minor errors and
        typos.  There may be some larger inconsistencies which we haven't
        spotted as well.

   6. LaTeX issues.  Crossreferences and bibliography aren't all working.
        Document currently only compiles using pdflatex (does this matter?)

   7. Implementations.  Need to write a hub implementation and adapt
         clients to use it...

Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-928-8776

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